Oooh....nice picture :-) Unfortunately I don't understand what you wrote and my browser is treating your icelandic characters very badly so I can't even guess :-) Have had a busy time here, Adrian has got a strepto throat with 40 degress fever and he is eating antibiotics, poor guy. It was great to have you here my friend, wish I could see you more often, I'm really looking forward to the reunion so I can see you again and meet Brynjulf. Take care! love, a
2 ummæli:
Voðalega eruð þið sætar :o) Það hlýtur að vera ódýrt að fara á barinn þegar maður brosir svona sætt...
Oooh....nice picture :-) Unfortunately I don't understand what you wrote and my browser is treating your icelandic characters very badly so I can't even guess :-)
Have had a busy time here, Adrian has got a strepto throat with 40 degress fever and he is eating antibiotics, poor guy.
It was great to have you here my friend, wish I could see you more often, I'm really looking forward to the reunion so I can see you again and meet Brynjulf.
Take care! love, a
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